Monday, March 13, 2006

Why does a week have 7 days?


Blogger Rafi said...

Because there are 7 notes in a musical scale.

12:56 AM  
Blogger jsaar said...

Actually in some ancient cultures the weeks used to have 5 days and one third of a day, and days had 15 hours and seventeed minutes. This however meant that weekends would sometimes start in the morning but in later weeks at different times of the day, and that at some stage people used to go to sleep in bright daylight. It was only when a Jewish guy by the name of Copernikovitch invented "prime time" for TV viewing that people realised they needed to know that The Sopranos was on every Sunday night on HBO at 9PM and since tonight is the first episode of the season I better stop typing all this nonsense right now and get ready for some serious mob action.

1:47 AM  
Blogger Rafi said...

So the ancient culture's week was like the British system and today's week is like the metric system?

1:55 AM  

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